Grammatophyllum wallisii
Grammatophyllum wallisii Rchb. f. 1877 (Wallis' Grammatophyllum) is a member of the biggest orchid genus. The name honors Gustav Wallis, a German plant collector, who introduced over 1,000 plant species to Europe in the 19th century. This plants are endemic to the Philippines. G. wallisii is an epiphytic and occasionally lithophytic plant, forming spectacular root bundles. It can grow to gigantic clusters weighing several hundred kilograms, it is recorded to be the heaviest orchid in the world and is capable of becoming huge in cultivation. It has erect, very long, cylindric, yellowish with age, noded pseudobulbs that can be up to 3 meters long with leaves that go well up the stem. It blooms in the fall and early winter as well as in the summer (in natural ecosystem) and have a 120 to 300 cm long erect inflorescence that carry 30 to 50 long-lasting flowers, successively opening. Can be slow to bloom, because the plants need to be large to bloom.
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